Monday, October 25, 2010

I love the idea of painting every day, but somehow am not as excited to share my blunders, but then who is? So, I am remembering one of my professors who said "draw every day" and made us keep a small sketch book. He always quoted Cennino Cennini from his ll LibroDell'Arte " Do not fail, as you go on, to draw something everyday, for no matter how little it is, it will be well worth while, and will do you a world of good." And, so today there are so many of us doing just that, following the words written in the early 15th century. It is well worth while, and I do love seeing what everyone else is doing and sharing, there are so many wonderful artists out there sharing their knowledge. I look forward to seeing and learning each day.

This lady was in Singapore, I love visiting markets and this one was especially lively and colorful, so I just concentrated on color again. This one is done in oil bars too, and I am getting ready to try working in oil. 


  1. Such beautiful colors Cissy! I love that purple especially. This series is great.

  2. Cissy, the purple awning really catches your eye and adds interest to this Singapore market lady...very nice!

    Thank you for answering my question on the oil bars you are using. I do plan to try a few and experiment during these long winter months.
