Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some Words of Wisdom and Summertime Reading

Summer in Seattle usually is beautiful in August, and this year we are finally seeing some sun. Lopez Island is one of my favorite places anytime of the year, but summer on Lopez is spectacular! It is a drive to catch the ferry but I love the ride to Lopez. Driving off the ferry and passing all the farmland and breathing in the wonderful aroma of salt water and newly mown hay is heavenly. So, today I am sharing a picture of Lopez. done in oil bars. They are chunky and force me to put it down and leave it.

 I was reading some of my favorite art books on the ferry ride. One by Rex Brandt, a watercolorist, " Our hopes are far ahead of our abilities. When we are satisfied, perhaps we haven't aimed high enough" And this one from Ed Whitney " If you don't like it it will be for one of three reasons, bad shapes; not enough entertainment; beaten to death!" Look forward to hearing from you and hope you all are enjoying your summer.


  1. This painting is rich and vibrant with gorgeous color. I can almost feel the warmth of the sunshine. You have a really pleasing composition here, with wonderful shapes -- very nice, Cissy!

  2. Beautifuly painting, Cissy! I especially love the color and warmth is this landscape...almost reminds me of Wisconsin.

  3. Beautiful work with your oil sticks. Enjoy your quotes, too.
